Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I don't know if everyone has celebrity dreams, if other people get ignored by Madonna or dance with Mick Jagger, but mine are recur alarmingly (delusions of grandeur??  If you can call 'celebrity-hood' grand; which I no longer do, Exhibit A:  the paparazzi).

By far the most recent (and by that I mean in the last five years) & memorable depicted one in which I was riding my bike with Jake Gyllenhall -- we both seemed to live in fabulous houses (perhaps parent-owned?) with a ton of grassy backyard, and for once I was being Ms. Cool, quite aloof but as flirty as it gets, and he was riding his bike in circles around me, his eyes flashing pure mischief --
Other dreams have faded, but this one did not.  It was very Parallel Vein in the Multiverse, and I woke up having experienced all the chemistry of emotion (he likes me!  he's funny!  we're gonna go hang out together!) -- sparks flying, mind to mind, itching to get closer.

Well, today I hear him on Fresh Air, talking about Southpaw -- and while I was fascinated, as I always am, by how actors find the keys to their characters, it was when Terry Gross was asking him about his other, latest movies, that I heard this (about 'Nightcrawler'), when she asked a question re improvising or going off-script or getting notes from the director, etc etc etc, & he said, strictly regarding that film, that script, that writer:

'I never veered from a period, I never veered from a comma -- you rarely get dialogue like that anymore, and the script was my Bible:  The type of writing that you MUST obey.'

I love you Jake Gyllenhall, and I always will.

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