Friday, July 31, 2015

A Series of Epiphanies...

Had series of epiphanies today -- one of those oh.  oh!  OH!  thought dominoes --
& here 'tis:

Getting in the car, realized I'd left those Cali crucial sunglasses inside, & as I reversed my steps (open the door git out the car unlock the just-locked door & snatch the specs) I was muttering, God damn it!

Then I thought, wait, what exactly am I asking God to damn?
Not the sunglasses -- a) I need them, b) it is not their job to leap onto my face as I leave the room,

...Obviously I am cursing my own self for having forgotten them (oh).

At which point my good little Catholic schoolgirl education kicked in (commandment or amendment, I forget, but a Biggie), and I found myself thinking, Sorry, God (because I took thy name in vain).

...and then I thought but wait -- in those days thy meant  thyself.
(As in, to thine own self be true);

(And then of course like any sane person I thought, who cares, they're just words) --

But words are words precisely because they MEAN something.  That's why they were made!  And even if your rational self isn't paying attention, these words are nonetheless heard by thy subconscious, as well -- that subterranean river that stores all that meaning in imagery and emotion, however you hardwired them when you heard them force, and it never doesn't notice anything.

So when you you say God damn it, you are in fact invoking the Mightiest Force/Reason for/Creator of/Great Spirit, & asking it to damn thyself.

So, quit it!

(Hell, of course, is a different matter.  When you say to hell with it/you/that, you are in fact being the God that decides these things -- and sometimes, those are some very fine decisions).

31 July 2015, under full (et bleu) moon.


  1. All stream-of-consciousness points well & deliciously taken. Love it! Right down to the full (et bleu) moon.
